EOTO Technology

 Everyone in our class did a fantastic job presenting their technology, but something that really caught my attention was the history of the typewriter. The typewriter completely transformed how people wrote and communicated with each other throughout the early 1800s through the late 1900s.  I also learned that Christopher Latham Sholes, Carlos Glidden, and Samuel W. Soule patented the first successful typewriter in 1868. This early typewriter employed a "type-bar" mechanism, which struck the paper via an inked ribbon. It was first known as the "Sholes and Glidden Typewriter," but was later renamed the Remington No. 1. They were useful for creating multiple copies of documents and impacted standardization, accessibility, and women's rights. Also, several advancements to the typewriter were made over the years, including the inclusion of the "shift key" in the 1870s, which allowed the machine to output both uppercase and lowercase letters. The invention of the "type-wheel" mechanism in the 1880s enabled typewriters to create more accurate and legible types. I also learned that typewriters were widely used in offices and enterprises all over the world by the early 1900s. The QWERTY keyboard layout, which is still in use today, was created to slow down typing speeds and keep the type bars from jamming. The typewriter's popularity grew during the twentieth century, with many individuals using them to create messages, manuscripts, and even books. However, the rise of personal computers in the 1980s and 1990s caused the typewriter sector to dwindle. Typewriters are now mostly utilized by collectors, enthusiasts, and artists who value their distinct visual and mechanical design. These are all the fascinating things that I learned about the typewriter. 


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