"8 values of free expression"

After reading the "Eight values of free expression",  the one value that resonates with me the most would have to be "Individual Self-Fulfillment ( aka Self-Actualization) — see C. Edwin Baker, Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech". This is because Individual self-fulfillment, also known as self-actualization, is a fundamental aspect of human flourishing and well-being. It refers to realizing one's full potential, pursuing one's passions and interests, and achieving personal growth and satisfaction. Every human being should strive to accomplish this throughout their day-to-day lives. According to humanistic psychology, self-actualization is the highest level of human development, where an individual's needs for safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization are met. When individuals can achieve self-actualization, they are more likely to experience a sense of purpose, creativity, and fulfillment in life. In the context of freedom of speech, C. Edwin Baker argues that the ability to express oneself freely is essential for self-fulfillment. He contends that individuals have a right to freedom of speech as it enables them to explore and express their values, beliefs, and aspirations, and to participate fully in the democratic process. Also, participation in self-government is very important to me because it is suggested that citizens will not make smart and intelligent choices in elections if candidates and proponents of certain policies are restricted in their ability to communicate positions. We all as a nation want an informed electorate involved in the debate and a strong leader who won't lie about issues that they are going to solve. Participation in self-government is also important for several reasons, including democratic values, accountability, and transparency. Democratic values are important because of self-government, which is the foundation of democratic societies, where citizens have the right to participate in the decision-making processes that affect their lives. By participating in self-government, citizens can ensure that their voices are heard and that the decisions made by their representatives reflect their needs and interests. Accountability is important because when citizens participate in self-government, they hold their representatives accountable for their actions. They can scrutinize the decisions made by their representatives and hold them responsible for any wrongdoing or failure. Finally, transparency is important because citizens have access to information about how decisions are made and how public resources are used. This transparency helps prevent corruption and ensures that decisions are made in the best interests of the public. A theory can help explain something going on in the real world in many ways. A theory is a set of ideas or principles that are used to explain and predict phenomena in the real world. Right now on "Tiktok", many people are posting videos about the Rothschilds, who are probably the richest and most powerful family in the world. The theories about them revolve around how they control everything in our day-to-day lives, including the government. Not saying that this information is true, but the fact that I'm learning about these theories on social media and millions of others are as well, shows how far society has come and where we are heading. People are getting so much information through social media that we haven't gotten before, and this is raising huge questions for the government and is a huge reason as to why they are trying to ban tiktok on all platforms. 


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