EOTO Presentations

 In group 1, the topic that really caught my attention was propaganda. I learned that propaganda is the use of communication tactics to influence and manipulate people's opinions and attitudes toward a specific cause, person, or idea is referred to as propaganda. It entails the selective presentation of facts, frequently with the goal of establishing a skewed or misleading perspective of the subject matter, and is intended to appeal to people's emotions rather than their reason. I also learned that advertising, political campaigns, news media, and social media are all examples of propaganda. It can be used to instill a sense of unity and purpose among people, to vilify or degrade a specific group or individual, to promote a specific ideology or belief system, or to instill dread or insecurity in the minds of individuals. Propaganda can be subtle and difficult to detect, or it can be open and obvious. Influencing people's views and behaviors frequently includes persuasive strategies such as repetition, emotional appeals, testimonials, and appeals to authority. While propaganda can be used for both positive and negative objectives, it is frequently linked with negative connotations due to its ability to manipulate people for personal or political advantage. Some examples of propaganda would be to elicit an emotional response, and sing pejorative names or epithets, such as labeling political opponents "crooks" or "liars." Also, using a positive symbol or image to market a product, such as using the American flag to sell a product or connecting a political candidate with a popular celebrity. Another example would be encouraging others to conform to public opinion by utilizing slogans such as "Everyone is doing it" or "Join the movement." Finally, scare tactics, such as warning of the consequences of not supporting a program or purchasing a product, are used to generate a sense of urgency or danger, which is another form of propaganda. These are only a few examples, but propaganda can take many different forms and I learned a lot about propaganda from group one's presentation that I didn't know beforehand. 




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