Final Post

 As a child, technology really was not given to me until I reached middle school. I feel as if this was the best thing that could've ever happened to me because I was able to experience life in a different way and develop so many great traits as a child that technology would've destroyed. I was able to have an imagination and appreciate things in life so much better. Therefore, my relationship with technology is very healthy and I have learned when to put the phone down and experience life. With all this being said, I believe that technology definitely has consumed a lot of my time as I often find myself scrolling through tiktok and Instagram for hours some nights when I get bored. This is something I wish that I could stop, but it's almost as if it's addicting and there's nothing I can do to control it. I also believe that technology is neither good nor harmful in and of itself; it is merely a tool that can be used in a variety of ways. Technology's impact on our knowledge and comprehension of the world might vary depending on how it is used and the quality of the information it gives. On the one hand, I believe that technology has the potential to mislead people. With so much information available on the internet, distinguishing between legitimate sources and misinformation or propaganda can be challenging. Filter bubbles created by social media algorithms can reinforce our previous views and biases, resulting in a misleading image of the world. On the other hand, I firmly believe that technology can be utilized to educate and empower people. Individuals with access to large volumes of information can learn and explore things that they may not have had access to in the past. Traditional teaching methods can be improved using educational technology, making learning more engaging and effective. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can also assist us in analyzing and making sense of complex data in previously unimaginable ways. One thing that truly upsets me is that my parents allowed my younger brother to constantly use technology whenever he was bored, and I fear that has led to him lacking in social development and having no imagination, which every kid should have. It is a problem that can lead to many consequences down the line for generations to come, and there should be restrictions put into place regarding how much time can be spent on your phone per day. Yes, you can say this is government control, but I believe it will help us as a society become better people and experience the world in a better way. My online presence isn't very big, but one day after I graduate from High Point I am hoping to blossom my social media accounts and network heavily through social media because that is where the world is heading. When I google myself, the only thing that comes up is my social media accounts and I don't have any pictures of me on them. One day my goal is to google myself and have so many websites set up to describe who I am and that is something that drives me every day to do something great.


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