
Final Post

 As a child, technology really was not given to me until I reached middle school. I feel as if this was the best thing that could've ever happened to me because I was able to experience life in a different way and develop so many great traits as a child that technology would've destroyed. I was able to have an imagination and appreciate things in life so much better. Therefore, my relationship with technology is very healthy and I have learned when to put the phone down and experience life. With all this being said, I believe that technology definitely has consumed a lot of my time as I often find myself scrolling through tiktok and Instagram for hours some nights when I get bored. This is something I wish that I could stop, but it's almost as if it's addicting and there's nothing I can do to control it. I also believe that technology is neither good nor harmful in and of itself; it is merely a tool that can be used in a variety of ways. Technology's impact on o

EOTO Presentations

 In group 1, the topic that really caught my attention was propaganda. I learned that propaganda is the use of communication tactics to influence and manipulate people's opinions and attitudes toward a specific cause, person, or idea is referred to as propaganda. It entails the selective presentation of facts, frequently with the goal of establishing a skewed or misleading perspective of the subject matter, and is intended to appeal to people's emotions rather than their reason. I also learned that advertising, political campaigns, news media, and social media are all examples of propaganda. It can be used to instill a sense of unity and purpose among people, to vilify or degrade a specific group or individual, to promote a specific ideology or belief system, or to instill dread or insecurity in the minds of individuals. Propaganda can be subtle and difficult to detect, or it can be open and obvious. Influencing people's views and behaviors frequently includes persuasive st

Living In the Age of AI

 The documentary series "In the Age of AI" looks at the past, present, and future of artificial intelligence. The series delves at a wide range of AI-related themes, such as its impact on the economy, society, and our daily lives. I learned that AI is not a far-off technology. It is already thoroughly embedded in our daily lives, from cellphones and social media platforms to automobiles and healthcare institutions. AI has the potential to change healthcare, education, transportation, and other industries, as well as assist us in solving some of the world's most pressing issues. I also learned that while AI has the potential to provide tremendous benefits, it also poses hazards such as job displacement, loss of privacy, and misuse. As AI advances and becomes increasingly interwoven into society, ethical concerns about bias, transparency, and responsibility must be addressed. As artificial intelligence continues to alter the labor market, education and training programs mus

EOTO Terms and Concepts

 Media consolidation refers to the trend of a small number of large media companies acquiring a significant portion of the media industry, including television networks, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, and online platforms. When fewer firms control the media, a restricted range of views and opinions may predominate, leaving less room for varied perspectives and beliefs. This can result in a lack of critical thinking and public debate, both of which are necessary for a functioning democracy. Also, consolidation may reduce competition among media firms, resulting in higher costs and fewer options for customers. It may also make it more difficult for smaller, independent media outlets to enter the market, compounding the problem. Consolidation can result in the closure of local media outlets like newspapers and radio stations, resulting in less coverage of local news and events. This might have a negative impact on civic participation and community development. When a few firms con

Diffusion of Innovations

 There are many different technologies that have caught on and spread over the years, but one in particular that is fascinating to me would be the computer. The computer caught on for several reasons, one being that it was cheap. As technology improved, the cost of manufacturing computers decreased, making them more affordable for individuals and businesses. It also increased connectivity through the ability to connect computers to the internet and other devices made them more useful and opened up new possibilities for communication and collaboration. Also, There are several reasons why some people tend to be early adopters of new technology. The first would be curiosity as some people have a natural desire to experiment and learn new things. They like being the first to experiment with new technology and see what it can do. Also, innovation is another reason because Early adopters are typically imaginative and creative individuals who appreciate discovering new and more efficient meth

EOTO Technology

 Everyone in our class did a fantastic job presenting their technology, but something that really caught my attention was the history of the typewriter. The typewriter completely transformed how people wrote and communicated with each other throughout the early 1800s through the late 1900s.  I also learned that Christopher Latham Sholes, Carlos Glidden, and Samuel W. Soule patented the first successful typewriter in 1868. This early typewriter employed a "type-bar" mechanism, which struck the paper via an inked ribbon. It was first known as the "Sholes and Glidden Typewriter," but was later renamed the Remington No. 1. They were useful for creating multiple copies of documents and impacted standardization, accessibility, and women's rights. Also, several advancements to the typewriter were made over the years, including the inclusion of the "shift key" in the 1870s, which allowed the machine to output both uppercase and lowercase letters. The invention

The Progressive Era

There could be a number of reasons why antiwar voices like those found on the websites "Antiwar" and "The American Conservative" are not frequently heard in mainstream media. One reason is Bias, as Mainstream news outlets may have a bias towards presenting a pro-war perspective. This bias may be influenced by the political and economic interests of the news organization, as well as the political affiliations and beliefs of individual journalists. There is also a lack of diversity in news sources, as mainstream news outlets often rely on a small pool of sources for their stories. These sources may include government officials, military leaders, and think tanks with close ties to the military-industrial complex. As a result, alternative perspectives on war and foreign policy may be excluded. Finally, there is a fear of being labeled as unpatriotic, as journalists who challenge the prevailing pro-war narrative may be labeled as unpatriotic or anti-American. This can be